
xx. Introduktion


Stress can do strange things to the ways we feel, think, and behave.

It changes the ways we interpret our environment, the way we feel in and out of control, and how we experience our relationships with other human beings.

In this module, you will learn about how the human psyche works in relation to stress and you will be given time to reflect and meditate on your personal experiences with these areas of life.

Becoming conscious about how stress influences these core aspects of your psychological experiences can help you take good care of yourself.

We hope you will find strength and understanding through your reflections on the dynamics between stress and psychology.

And that these meditations may serve you in supporting your psychological health as well as your general well-being.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

19. Cognitive appraisal


Cognitive appraisal is our subjective interpretation of the inputs we get from our environment.

Our interpretation of situations we are in, intentions of others, potential dangers and much more.

Becoming more conscious of the ways we interpret different situations is a powerful tool of stress management.

So let's spend a moment considering our cognitive appraisal and the way stress is influenced and influences our interpretations of different situations.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

20. Rumination


Rumination is focused attention on our problems.
It is delving into the consequences of our problems and not the solutions.

When we are concerned with more practical problems, containing more concrete solutions, a focused attention can be quite useful.

But so many of our modern, psycho-social challenges, require something m

ore, than a narrow one-directional attention. Like a step back, a new perspective, or a new approach.Rumination can be quite stressful and we tend to ruminate more when we are stressed.

Today we explore the concept of rumination. Becoming more conscious of when we ruminate makes it easier to let go, and to find better modes of being.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

21. Stress and confusion


A short-term stress reaction sharpens our focus and attention. It gives us energy and helps us take action.

When exposed to long-term stress, this superpower, turns into limitation and confusion.

We become bad at judging what is important. We may power through in the wrong direction.

And we may diminish our capacity to engage in a more relaxed and creative form of attention.

We  may feel clear-minded, but actually, we are out of touch with the bigger perspective.

Today let's become conscious about whether we are focused in healthy ways or have become secretly confused by stress.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

22. Stress and worry


Worry is taxing on the mind and it seldomly helps us solve our problems.

Sometimes it even makes it more difficult to solve something. Worry is a kind of stress and stress makes us worry more.

Today we explore how stress is dynamically linked to worry.

When we become more conscious about the way stress and worry are linked, it becomes easier, to let go of worry and to manage stress.

And to prevent stress by letting go of worry.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

23. Using stimulants


The way we use stimulants changes with stress. And not in a good way.

Research shows that when we are stressed, we eat more unhealthy foods. And if we smoke, we smoke more.

Using stimulants to change the state of our body is a powerful tool. That makes it difficult to let go of.

Understanding and becoming conscious about how stress influences stimulant use can help us make intelligent choices about how we use stimulants.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

24. Emotion regulation


Emotion regulation is our ability to control and modify our emotions. Emotion regulation helps us solve conflicts and it helps us navigate through life in intelligent ways.When we are stressed in unhealthy ways, we diminish, our capacity to regulate our emotions in healthy waysBecoming conscious about how we regulate our emotions and how stress can make emotion regulation difficult, can help us support ourselves and manage stress.  

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

25. Close relationships


Close relationships thrive in a calm kind of attention. with room for listening, curiosity and care. Time for laughter and spontaneity. When we are stressed. All of the above becomes difficult. Very often, when we are stressed, our close relationships suffer. Becoming conscious about how stress influence our close relationships may help us take stress seriously. It may help us learn to prioritize in ways that can prevent stress, and support our close relationships.

We wish you an inspired, calm and conscious state of mi

26. Social engagement


To be in real contact with another human being we have to see them as a subject with unconditional value.

In work situations, our value is not unconditional, but related to our work tasks and how well we perform.

When we are stressed it becomes more difficult to view each other as human beings of unconditional value. It becomes more difficult to experience our own unconditional worth.

Becoming conscious about how stressful situations often impedes true social connection, it becomes easier to take a step back and manage stress in healthy ways.  

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

27. Two modes of being


One mode of being is concerned with surviving,
another with living. One is mechanistic, based on logic, and goal-oriented. Another is spacious, concerned with experiencing meaning, with connection, fulfilment, and joy. When we are stressed we easily become locked into some kind of survival mode.Becoming conscious about these two different aspects of the human experience, these two modes of being, we can more easily navigate through life in meaningful ways.

We wish you and inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

xx. Introduction


for living with thoughts and feelings
19. Cognitive appraisal


for living with thoughts and feelings
20. Rumination


for living with thoughts and feelings
21. Confusion


for living with thoughts and feelings
22. Stress and worry


for living with thoughts and feelings
23. Using stimulants


for living with thoughts and feelings
24. Emotion regulation


for living with thoughts and feelings
25. Close relationships


for living with thoughts and feelings
26. Social engagement


for living with thoughts and feelings
27. Two modes of being


for living with thoughts and feelings