
xx. Introduction


We can never become too good at working smart.

And almost always, it is powerful to refine the basic skills of a functional working life. In this module, you'll have the opportunity to reflect and meditate on the ways you organize and prioritize.  

We will talk about doing one thing at a time, taking small steps, and being in a state of immersion.

Becoming good at these skills or refining them, can have a big impact on your stress levels and general well-being.

So often, working on the basics of how we engage in our work, is the most rewarding.

We hope you will enjoy looking at these simple aspects of life with a fresh set of eyes.

And that you may be inspired to work consciously with these tools, in order to take good care of yourself.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

28. Work smart


When we work smart we work consciously.

We make conscious choices about when and how to do what.

We make intelligent choices about how and when we take breaks.

Some tools for working consciously are concerned with the big picture; like organizing and prioritizing.

Some tools are concerned with helping us be in the now and dealing with fear or overwhelm; like doing just one thing at a time and just taking the first step.

Today we consider different ways of working smart.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

29. Organizing


Organizing is a great tool for working smart as well as managing stress.

Creating a comprehensible overview of your tasks, having a clear mind about what lies ahead, knowing where everything you do, fits into a greater scheme, are all important skills in the management of stress.

Organizing is like getting to know the things you do.

Today we will work on becoming more conscious about the way we organize and don’t organize in our lives.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

30. Prioritizing


Prioritizing means knowing when to do what. To prioritize we first need to organize.

With a good overview of the content of our lives and work, we can begin to properly decide what to prioritize.

We often prioritize in strange ways, that are not congruent with our values.

Bad prioritizing ultimately leads to stress.

So today we spend a moment, becoming conscious about the way we prioritize in our lives and at work.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

31. Doing just one thing


Doing just one thing at a time can be a powerful de-stressor.

When we are stressed, we often tend to multitask.

While multitasking is a cool and useful skill it is often performed in unintelligent and problematic ways.

So today we will spend a moment, becoming more conscious about the skill of doing just one thing at a time.

Developing this skill further, can help you prevent and manage stress.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

32. Just the first step


Thinking about unknown obstacles plays a big role, when the human mind becomes stressed.

Changing our lives, managing and preventing stress often implies doing something new; moving into the unknown.

Just taking the first step, is a great tool for overcoming fear of the unknown and fear of engaging in an overwhelming obstacle or challenge.

So today we will spend a moment considering the idea of taking just the first step.

Just taking the first step, is a great tool for overcoming fear of the unknown and fear of engaging in an overwhelming obstacle or challenge.

So today we will spend a moment considering the idea of taking just the first step.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

33. Carrying through


Carrying through to closure is a pleasant feeling. It can give us a sense of accomplishment and strongly facilitate a sense of letting go. So carrying through to closure is a great tool for managing and preventing stress. No matter how your work is formed, design it in your mind so that you can arrive at a sense of carrying through. Today, we explore the idea of carrying through as a tool for living well, preventing, and managing stress.

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

34. State of immersion



Doing just one thing at at time, talking just the first step and carrying through to closure, are tool and practices that will help you enter a state of immersion and flow.

When we are in a state of immersion, we are in the now. When we are stressed, our minds live in the past and in the future.

So preventing and managing stress is very involved with helping the mind and the body come into the now and into a state of immersion.

Today, we explore the idea of `a state of immersion

We wish you an inspired,
calm and conscious state of mind.

xx. Introduction


for finding flow and clarity
28 Work smart


3. 24
for finding flow and clarity
29. Organizing


for finding flow and clarity
30. Prioritizing


for finding flow and clarity
31. One thing at a time


for finding flow and clarity
32. Just the first step


for finding flow and clarity
33. Carrying through


for finding flow and clarity
34. State of immersion


for finding flow and clarity